Sunday, 25 August 2013

The Sunday Special: Slinky and Deer

I have decided that each Sunday (until I run out) I will be featuring one (or two) friend(s) of mine who I have photog'd with! I'll tell you a bit about them, their character(s), and what else they do!

To start this off, I'll be introducing my friend Brianna L. and Amy J.

They are two of the coolest people I know. We've been friends since high school and I'm still soooo glad I met them. They're fantastic people.

Bri or Slinky, likes to cosplay many different characters and is a fantastic make up artist. She's been to Canada and successfully completed one of the more experienced make up courses for prosthetics and more. She's always happy to help and also helps me create amazing images.

Amy or Deer, has a wicked mohawk, which I haven't had a chance to get a picture of yet but it will happen. She likes to cross play a fair amount, meaning cosplaying, but cosplaying the opposite gender. Deer is an amazing artist, I wish I had that much skill with a pencil.

Without further ado, Slinky and Deer! (I'll post some singles and doubles!)

This is one of my favourite shoots with them as Fionna (Slinky) and Marshell Lee (Deer) from the canon genderbend episode of Adventure Time! 

Nick (Deer) and Ellis (Slinky) from Left 4 Dead 2

And some nice pictures Slinky and I took in the grass at a park one when I got my new lens!

Thank you for reading/looking! 
Tune in next month for another friend/character/amazing person!

Deer can be found at DeviantArt
Slinky can be found on Tumblr

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Les Femmes and the Male Minority

Some of my favourite images that I took at Red Bennies a month ago from 'Les Femmes and the Male Minority'

A fantasy tale set in a world where women are the empowered ones. Travelling through eras of time, fusing together circus, burlesque and dance, Les Femmes is a seductive and tantalising adventure.

Set in an era similar to the Renaissance, the first act reverses the classical role of men and women in royalty. Closely inspired by the 1967 film, 'Prehistoric Women', the second act is a very literal exploration of an Amazonian culture of women, in which the male minority are used solely for labour, and as sex slaves.

The final act takes a more modern turn of the concept, inspired by Stanley Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut'. The males of this act are more willingly entered into a world of BDSM-inspired submission to the females, while the society of women is portrayed more as a cult, a darker turn on the sex party style of the second act.

Les Femmes is brought to you by Danny Golding Entertainment, featuring his Circotic troupe as seen on 'Australia's Got Talent' (2012 semi-finalists), and the top 12 of 2009's 'So You Think You Can Dance'.

Excuses, excuses, excuses

I was sick for a while so I was unable to continue this blog due to lack of creative anything.

But I'm back!

And I will have some cool shoots to share with you soon! I went to a Burlesque show at Red Bennies, called 'Les Femmes, and the Male Minority'. It was amazing and I high recommend it!

I have also been volunteering at a new Melbourne magazine called 'Colosoul Magazine' and I do photography for them at music gigs! I so far have covered two. One being a cute woman named Sam Buckingham and another (which was actually just tonight) was Fun Machine from Canberra.

So images of those and some tips for gig shoots will be coming up within the next few days!

Also more photography brief from uni. I have an interesting idea for this brief and will see how it works on Sunday when I shoot!

Have a lovely night everyone!
